Friday, June 22, 2012

New Blog, New Name

Welcome!  This is my first post on my new blog "Naptime DIY."  You may have read some of my other posts on my old blog "Fine Line Home," which has now been closed (though I did add the posts from that blog onto this one).  As you'll discover, my husband and I try to be thrifty when we can, so after my free year of hosting, we closed the blog.  I was teaching full time and pregnant for the entire school year, which made me tired all of the time!  I didn't really do many house projects, and therefore, didn't write much on the old blog, so it didn't make sense to pay money if I wasn't going to use it.  Not only that, but we're moving out of our house (in less than 3 weeks!), so I figured that my new blog should reflect more about my new phase of life rather than our former house.  Hence the name "Naptime DIY."

Our beautiful baby girl, Juliet Morgan, is 7 weeks old today!  She's a champ, for sure, and we're blessed to have such an easy baby our first time around.  It's amazing how long we can just watch her and how many times a day we say, "She's so cute!"  Here she is only one day bugs me that this photo is not in focus, but I love how little she is and that she's looking at the camera, so I'll deal.
With her cuteness abounding, I've learned that the way I spend my time has changed drastically.  During the day, as soon as she falls asleep for a nap, I know that if I want to do anything around the house I'd better get going!  Up until now I've been doing sewing and art projects with my free time.  But with our moving date less than three weeks away, I'm getting my rear in gear on packing up.  We don't yet have a house to move into, so we're selling a lot of our furniture, purging, and packing up the rest of our stuff to go into storage until we find our dream fixer-upper.  I'm hoping that during this next phase of life as a stay-at-home mom, this blog will serve to document our lives and milestones as well as serve as a creative outlet for me...DIY is great on its own, but it's so much fun to share projects and ideas!  So who knows how often I'll post stuff (total fail at consistency on my old blog), but check in if you're interested to see what I'm up to!

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